Pre/Postnatal Pain Relief Swainsboro, Modoc, Vidalia & Dublin, GA

Pre/Postnatal Pain Relief


Physical Therapy Can Help With a Smooth Pregnancy, Delivery, and Postpartum Recovery

The body undergoes many changes with pregnancy. There are changes in posture, an increased weight load on the pelvic floor, and ligaments will thicken and stretch.

All of these changes happening in the body can cause immense back pain and pelvic floor problems. Urinary incontinence and difficulty activating core muscles are also potential problems caused by muscle weakness.

At Victory Therapy & Wellness, we make sure to integrate techniques such as massage therapy and pelvic floor therapy to help make your pregnancy and delivery process as smooth as possible.

We know pregnancy is not always a walk in the park for everybody. There are undeniably some parts that are downright unpleasant. Prenatal and postnatal physical therapy treatments can help your body better prepare for the changes it’s about to go through.

It doesn’t matter if you are an expectant mother or one who recently gave birth, don’t hesitate to contact Victory Therapy & Wellness in Swainsboro today! We’ll help make your pregnancy, delivery and postpartum recovery as easy for you as possible.

Physical therapy can help new and expecting mothers

Victory Therapy & Wellness can help mothers dealing with pre- and post-natal pains as their bodies go through the changes of pregnancy and childbirth. Our specialized Swainsboro physical therapists can address many problems that might arise during this exciting time.

By opting to have physical therapy in your prenatal and postnatal care, you can be better prepared for one of the biggest challenges in life: delivering and taking care of your baby.

Pre/Postnatal Pain Relief Swainsboro, Modoc, Vidalia & Dublin, GA

What can physical therapy prepare a mother for?

During the delivery process, you may need to undergo a c-section or episiotomy procedure. These that might result in a scar and can cause restrictions in the myofascial system of the body.

Our Swainsboro physical therapy practice knows how to handle this condition. Our therapists use specific myofascial and scar-release techniques to eliminate these restrictions and prevent your myofascial system from being further compromised.

Some women might also suffer from diastasis recti, also known as abdominal separation. Diastasis recti can interfere with the strengthening of the abdomen muscles and cause the all-too-common “pooch” that many new mothers are afraid of having.

Victory Therapy & Wellness physical therapists use the latest evidence-based clinical knowledge in the field to identify and treat this condition, even before your delivery. Rest assured that you’re in good hands! We want you to be as excited as possible about your little bundle of joy — not worrying about the aftermath of your delivery.

Pregnancy is hard enough – let Victory Therapy & Wellness help you

There is no reason for you to suffer with painful conditions before or after your delivery. Our physical therapists are trained and licensed professionals who know how to handle a variety of pain conditions involving the pelvic floor and pregnancy. Contact us at Swainsboro, Modoc, Vidalia & Dublin, GA today to schedule an appointment, and we’ll create a plan to help you, both during and after your pregnancy.

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!

It’s Time To Take Back Your Life!